beautiful this version is an improved version of carmen's tab by ben * awsome song canadian band (* / no homepage ) wrote: have yet to find any of there songs, so i would greatly appreciate it. well here ya go */ no homepage A5 - X022XX Am7 - X02010 G/A5 - 3X22XX Dsus2 - XX0230 E - 022100 G/B - X2X030 C - X32010 F - X33211 FII - X33201 G - X55433 if you dont capo at the first fret ill kill everyone 'a you wahahahahahah wahahhahaahahah A5 Am7 A5 Am7 if i was beautiful like ben Am Am7 Am Am7 oh the things i would do Dsus2 those not so blessed would be crying out murder E and I'd just laugh and get away with it too, like ben do A5 Am7 A5 Am7 if I was beautiful like ben Am Am7 Am Am7 i would never be at fault Dsus2 i'd walk in the rain between the raindrops E bringing traffic to a halt Am G/B but that would never be C Dsus2 that would never, never be F E 'cause I'm not beautiful like ben i'm beautiful like me A5--E5--B5\C5-C5C5-C5C5-F5-F5-E5-E5-E5E5E5-E5E5-E/D A5--E5--B5\C5-C5C5-C5C5-F5-F5-E5-E5 chorus: |