Well, your daddy, he was tan and tall
Hes about to transfer to Tech in the fall
He was strong and lean but cool and all
From playin junior college ball
Not like you, picture him now
Kinda soft in the middle, lines in his brow
Always distracted and worried bout how
You and your baby sister might turn out
Refrão -------------
The world was so new, he just spent all his savings
Hed be standing by the rambler, smilin at the camera waving
Look at your momma, when she was 18
Deep shiny dish of peaches and cream
No offense man, but she was a schoolboys dream
Bedroom eyes and movie star teeth
That was before you little monsters came along
With your cryin and your whinin and your clownin around
Before she knew shed be trading the nights downtown
For Pampers and puppies and chicken by the pound
Refrão ------------- 2:
The world was so new and they just started dating
They were standing by the rambler, smilin at the camera waving
Waving to the folks, they were headed to the beach
For a day in the sun, a night in the backseat
Yeah they did that too
How do you think they came up with you
Hey now look at your daddys hand on your mommas thigh
And the mischief is gleaming shinin in their eyes
Thats you, dude, youre in that picture too
Just 9 sure months before they had the first clue
About a love turns out, if you see it thru
The hard work, the heartaches, the good times too
A chance to find love and pass things on
Like your mommas good looks and your daddys old car
Refrão ------------- 3:
And the world was so new, its still cryin from its spankin
And youre standing by the Rambler, smilin at the camera waving
Yeah the world was so new, its still cryin from its spankin
And youre standing by the Rambler, smilin at the camera waving
Youre standing by the Rambler, smilin at the camera waving
Youre standing by the Rambler, smilin at the camera waving