C F6 G7 C F6 G7 Be-fore you leave these portals, to meet less fortunate mortals C Em Dm G7 C Dm G7 There's just one final message I would give to you C F6 G7 C Am6 You all have learned re-liance on the sacred teachings of science B7 Em A7 Am7 G Gm F Fm So I hope, through life, you never will de-cline, in spite of Philis-tine de-fiance, C F6 G7 C6 Dm G7 To do what all good scientists do C Am Dm G7 Ex-periment, make it your motto day and night C Am D7 G7 Ex-periment, and it will lead you to the light F G7 C B7+ The apple on the top of the tree is never too high to a-chieve B7 Em Em7 A7 Dm G7 So take an example from Eve ex-periment! C Am Dm G7 Be curious, though inter-fering friends may frown C Am D7 G7 Get furious at each at-tempt to hold you down F E7 Am E+ Am7 B7 F If this advice you always em-ploy, the future can offer you infinite joy and merriment Dm G7 C Ex-periment, and you'll see Interlude: First 2 lines C Am Dm G7 Be curious, though inter-fering friends may frown C Am D7 G7 Get furious at each at-tempt to hold you down F E7 Am E+ Am7 B7 F If this advice you always em-ploy, the future can offer you infinite joy and merriment Dm G7 C Ex-periment, and you'll see