Album: Buenivedos Author: Rattman (*) **Padrino's Bass Tab Exclusive!** This is a great song that is very fun and easy to play. If you've never heard Buenivedos. You can order them at http://*~jumpup/WWW/* There is no bass in the beginning but you can help out the drummer by rapidly hitting your E and A strings without actually sounding any notes. It just makes the drum part sound more rumbly. G------0-0----------------0-0---------------0-0----------------0-0- D----------0--0---------------------------------0--0--------------- A-3--3---------------3--3--------------3--3---------------3--3----- E---------------3-3------------3-5-6-7----------------3-3---------- G--------- D--------- A--------- E-3-5-7-8- Taken from Padrino's Bass Tab Archive: http://*