Tony's Theme Rythym Guitar is in chords and is clean, lead guitar is in tablature and uses distortion. Lead Guitar plays this during the beginning and the chorus(TO-NY) -2-2-2-2-2-2--------------------------------------------| -3-3-3-3-3-3--------------------------------------------| ----------------0-2-0-------0-2-0---0-2-0-------0-2-0---| --------------2-------2-2-2-------2-------2-2-2-------2-| --------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------| Em G A Em A She put the oil in the chain for a ride today, no boloney Em G A Em A Ride around on my bicycle like a pony Em G A Em A I'm wavin hi hi hi hi hi Em G A Ggggimme the speed Em A Gimme gimme the beat Oh Tony Chorus TO-NY TO-NY TO-NY TO-NY Em G A Em I can talk to my bicycle tire A I'm racin', Em G A Em Speed by, turn and pop a wheelie and burn A People chasin' Em G A Em I'm wavin' bye bye bye bye bye A Em I got a card in my spokes A Em I'm practicin' my jokes A I'm learnin' Chorus TO-NY TO-NY TO-NY TO-NY D G A This is a song about a superhero named Tony It's called: Tony's Theme Lead Guitar Solo(Be quick, or it doesn't sound right, especially with the hammer ons.) -9---------------------------12---------15--------11-12-11-12-11-12-11-12-| -9h10p9-(every 3 or 4 strums)--12--(8x)-15--------11-12-11-12-11-12-11-12-| -9-(16x)---------------------12---------15-(8x)---11-12-11-12-11-12-11-12-| -9---------------------------12---------15--------11-12-11-12-11-12-11-12-| --------------------------------------------------------------------------| --------------------------------------------------------------------------| -15p14p13p12--(8x)-----| -----------------------| -----------------------| -----------------------| -----------------------| -----------------------| Be very fast and accurate in this part. I watched Joey do this. (You can figure out the chords from here. They haven't changed.) I can get by this sort If you give me some pass Some glasses on the back of the road He was even dressed like a toad That's what class is Chorus/Outro