Cifra Club

Make Me Bad


Acordes: Principal (guitarra acústica y eléctrica)
Selo Cifra Club: esta cifra foi revisada para atender aos critérios oficiais da nossa Equipe de Qualidade.
tono: D
Tuned Down One Half Whole Step (DGCFAd)

(Intro Pt 1: Guitar 1)
d ||----3--2--|
A ||----------|
F ||-4--------|
C ||----------|
G ||----------|
D ||----------|


(Intro Pt 2:Guitars 1 and 2)
d ||--------------------|
A ||--------------------|
F ||-5/4/5--4--5--------|
C ||-5/4/5--4--5--------|
G ||-3/2/3--2--3--------|
D ||--------------------|
(Note: / = Hammer On)

(With Heavy Distortion)


(Guitar 1)
d ||----3--2--|
A ||----------|
F ||-4--------|
C ||----------|
G ||----------|
D ||----------|

(Guitar 2)
d ||---------------------||---------------------|
A ||---------------------||---------------------|
F ||---------------------||---------------------|
C ||----------7----------||----------6----------|
G ||----7--------5-------||----6--------4-------|
D ||-5-----5--------5--5-||-4-----4--------4--4-|

(Both Guitars Clean)

(Chorus:Guitars 1 and 2)

d ||----------------------------|
A ||----------------------------|
F ||----------------5--5--5--4--|
C ||-2--2--2--3--2--5--5--5--4--|
G ||-2--2--2--3--2--3--3--3--2--|
D ||-0--0--0--1--0--------------|

(Both With Heavy Distortion)

The After Chorus Runs Thru The Second time a Guitar Break
starts, and its using one it is....

d ||----|
A ||----|
F ||-5--|
C ||-5--|
G ||-3--|
D ||----| 

(Played with Slight Distorion)
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      • A
      • Bb
      • B
      • C
      • Db
      • D
      • Eb
      • E
      • F
      • F#
      • G
      • Ab
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      Ops (: Contenido disponible solo en portugués.